What is Tai Chi ?
Tai chi is a traditional Chinese martial art since ancient times that can be used to improve and maintain good health, increase longevity and as a means of self-defense. Traditional, Tai Chi has three reason for being. As a physical exercise, as a martial art and as a system of psychological and spiritual development. Tai Chi is the ideals of balance, courage, integrity, external gentleness and internal strength, all within the embracing principle of naturalness. It is a mysterious, flexible and adaptable, combining of techniques and methods, strong and yet gentle martial art. People who practice Tai Chi will secure maximum benefits from it, in achieving healthy and strong body, peaceful and relaxed mind and in prolonging lifespan.
Initial Benefits of practicing Tai Chi
The first noticeable benefit is usually an increase in a feeling of relaxation and well being. In the first class a student should begin to sense their own energy or chi after a short period of time a student will
Feel this sensitivity increase and begin to improve their relaxation and energy circulation. Becoming aware of where tension is held and how to relax and soften results in a calmer, more relaxed body and mind with an ability to do more at any moment in time. Regular practice is the key to progress.
People believes, Relaxation in the Form is produced by mind 'awareness'. We all begin with 'regional' awareness where you move your mind to different parts of the body and visualize them to relax. After a while then when you think of relaxing the whole body will relax as one unit. But if you only work on relaxing the body, you are not likely to develop grounding without which there can not be any rebounding force. So we next need to work on 'sinking', which is a mental process where-by you guide the melting sensations of relaxing, into the ground. The rebounding force is a product of the sinking.